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You are my sunshine~♥



This opened school arts festival  in Last Thursday.

Amy recited a poem, performed an ensemble piece , chorus and did a dance.

She wasn't nervous. she acquitted herself brilliantly in the shool play.

You will see more than whatever you imagine.

wrier_ seonkyoung choi

LAST CHRISMAS [December.20.10]

Santa Claus came in our house with kindergarten teacher and Amy's friends in five day ago of chrismas.

We danced to carroll. But Amy and her boyfriend was afraid of Santa.

They're hugging each other while we dance.

Amy feared but  she got a present by helps of teacher.

Also, When take a picture , Teacher held the Amy tight.

She didn't made friends with Santa.ㅠ^ㅠ

Amy becames a Rudolph and a Santa

_ seonkyoung choi


please congratulation for amy

Korean students are on vacation. amy was on vacation last a week.
She doesn't go out too cold. But last wednesday[1/5], She went Cheonan Dankook Univ hospital with papa and mom. Amy and Joy were born there.
All doctor and nurse were wonder about joy. Her visit was a happy to them.
She has regular checkups for hydrocephalus once every six months there.
She is no longer defect caused by  hydrocephalus. She performs a miraculous cure.
This news heard last year. Did  you know that?
Services the korea can provide depend on the degree of disability.
Korea deside ranked  the degree of disability untill level 1 to 6. One means  the degree of defect high and high number is low handicapped.
When she came my home, she had  level 1 disability by  hydrocephalus.
but she has level 4 disability by language. My family doesn't think that she has  a speech disorder. just she is slow than peer
Nowdays she goes to kindergarten and learn speech therapy, physical therapy for walk.
Her kindergarten teacher and friends, therapist love her.
amy is so loving and sweet that she's a delight. she cannot help loveing.

wrier_ seonkyoung choi